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  1. Create a folder ansys_raad in your home directory

mkdir ansys_raad

  1. Cd into this folder and create another folder name run_01

cd ansys_raad mkdir run_01

  1. Create a PBS.job file

touch PBS.job gedit PBS.job

  1. and paste below lines in the file
  1. !/bin/bash
  2. PBS -N AnsysAPDLBatch
  3. PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
  4. PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb
  5. PBS -j oe

nCpu=2 jobname=my_script jobInput=script.inp jobOutput=static.out cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load ansys/14.5 ansys145 -b -p aa_r -j $jobname -I $jobInput -o $jobOutput -np $nCPU

  1. Copy your script in the same folder and rename script file to script.inp
  2. Issue below statement to submit the job

qsub pbs.job