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Python is a programming language which lets you transform your idea into a program easily with built in functions and diverse libraries available. Python can be used for almost every application you want to work with For Example: Numerical Solution, Machine learning, Image Processing etc.

Versions available on RAAD

  1. Python 2.7.9
  2. Python 3.4.3

Getting Started with Python

Load the appropriate version in RAAD.
module load python/<version_number>
For Example;
module load python/2.7.9

Libraries Available

We keep updating list of libraries we maintain for Python distribution at RAAD, to check the most recent list of libraries available you can issue below commands on RAAD;

module load python/2.7.9
pip2.7 list
  1. appdirs (1.4.0)
  2. backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0)
  3. backports.ssl-match-hostname (
  4. Beaker (1.8.0)
  5. bls (0.0.1)
  6. boto (2.39.0)
  7. ClusterShell (1.7)
  8. Cython (0.23.4)
  9. decorator (4.0.6)
  10. emcee (2.1.0)
  11. funcsigs (0.4)
  12. ipdb (0.10.0)
  13. ipython (4.2.0)
  14. ipython-genutils (0.1.0)
  15. lmfit (0.9.3)
  16. lxml (3.4.4)
  17. m3-libxml2-python (2.6.9)
  18. Mako (1.0.1)
  19. MarkupSafe (0.23)
  20. matplotlib (1.4.3)
  21. mercurial (3.6.3)
  22. mock (1.0.1)
  23. mpmath (0.19)
  24. natgrid (0.2.1)
  25. networkx (1.10)
  26. nose (1.3.4)
  27. numexpr (2.4.6)
  28. numpy (1.10.4)
  29. pandas (0.18.1)
  30. pathlib2 (2.1.0)
  31. patsy (0.4.1)
  32. pexpect (4.1.0)
  33. phoebe (2.0a2)
  34. pickleshare (0.7.2)
  35. Pillow (3.1.0)
  36. pip (8.1.2)
  37. protobuf (3.0.0b2)
  38. ptyprocess (0.5.1)
  39. py (1.4.31)
  40. pycuda (2015.1.3)
  41. pyephem (
  42. pyfits (3.4)
  43. pyparsing (2.0.3)
  44. pytest (2.8.7)
  45. python-dateutil (2.4.0)
  46. pytools (2016.1)
  47. pytz (2014.10)
  48. readline (
  49. scikit-image (0.11.3)
  50. scipy (0.17.0)
  51. setuptools (18.7.1)
  52. simplegeneric (0.8.1)
  53. six (1.10.0)
  54. statsmodels (0.6.1)
  55. tables (3.2.2)
  56. tensorflow (0.8.0)
  57. Theano (0.7.0)
  58. traitlets (4.2.1)
  59. uncertainties (
  60. virtualenv (14.0.5)
  61. wheel (0.29.0)

Running your first Code

RAAD is an HPC system and most of the jobs are expected to be batch jobs. Submit an interactive or batch job and you can invoke Python from command line.

Python with GPU

Theano library has built in capability of utilizing GPU. In RAAD we have 6 nodes with 02 GPU's each. If you need to use Theano, you should submit your job in graphics queue.