Burst Buffer on raad2

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What is Burst Buffer?

In HPC environment burst buffer is a fast and intermediate storage which exists b/w compute nodes and back-end parallel file system. Burst buffer is built from flash storage or SSD (solid state drives) to achieve significant increase in I/O performance.

Can my application benefit from Burst Buffer on raad2?

Which kind of Burst Buffer raad2 has?

raad2 used CRAY DataWarp technology to increase

How to use Burst Buffer on raad2?

Burst Buffer as scratch

Staging In Files

Staging Out Files

Interactive Session

Burst buffer can be accessed while running job in an interactive session.

Burst Buffer Usage Check

Users can use SLURM command 'scontrol' to check burst buffer availability and usage on raad2

muarif092@raad2a:~> module load dws
muarif092@raad2a:~> scontrol show burst
Name=cray DefaultPool=wlm_pool Granularity=16MiB TotalSpace=12209440MiB FreeSpace=12209440MiB UsedSpace=0
  StageInTimeout=1800 StageOutTimeout=1800 ValidateTimeout=5 OtherTimeout=300

Note: Most of the material in this document is refered from NERSC Burst Buffer Guide