Urika 1.2

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Cray Graph Engine(CGE)

Machine Learning


Information on how to use Keras with the Urika-XC 1.2 test release

To run using start_analytics (interactive)

ssh gateway2
module use /project/s1001/urika_training/uxc_1.2/modulefiles
module load analytics/1.01.0000.201810291633_0135
salloc -N 1 -p debug
srun --pty bash -i

To run the MNIST example from the Keras examples directory:
Here we can use the sameple py36_tf_cpu conda environment with Keras 2.2.4
already installed.

source activate py36_tf_cpu
python mnist_cnn.py

More Keras examples corresponding to Keras version 2.2.4 can be found here

This can also be easy run using the run_training script

ssh gateway2
module use /project/s1001/urika_training/uxc_1.2/modulefiles
module load analytics/1.01.0000.201810291633_0135
salloc -N 1 -p debug

run_training -n 1 "python mnist_cnn.py"

By default this will use the optimized Tensorflow corresponding to the node
type (cpu or gpu).

