PGI compiler

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Installation process

The installation guide is available here

Installation process for Mac

  1. Setup files can be located at "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\PGI Compiler"
  2. Copy PGI Workstation setup (.dmg) from P:\Information Technology Services\Software\RC\PGI Compiler to your Mac
  3. Copy license.dat from P:\Information Technology Services\Software\RC\PGI Compiler\ to your Dekstop in Mac.
  4. Before installing, make sure you have installed XCode in your MAC. Xcode can be installed from Mac App Store.
  5. Start PGI Workstation setup. Installation process is simple, just follow the instructions with default options.
  6. Once installed, copy license.dat to /opt/pgi
  7. Navigate to /opt/pgi in finder and run PGI2015.terminal
  8. A terminal window will open in which you can compile your fortran codes.